2. Pre-Flight Procedures at the Aircraft for each Flight
3. Procedures Prior to RVSM Airspace Entry
5. Contingency procedures after entering RVSM airspace
6. Post-flight procedures
7. Knowledge and understanding of standard ATC phraseology used in each area of operations
8. Importance of crew members cross-checking to ensure that ATC clearances are promptly and
correctly complied with
9. Use and limitations in terms of accuracy of standby altimeters in contingencies
10. Problems of visual perception of other aircraft at 300m (1,000 ft.) planned separation during
darkness, when encountering local phenomena such as northern lights, for opposite and same
direction traffic, and during turns
11. Characteristics of aircraft altitude capture systems which may lead to overshoots
12. Relationship between the aircraft’s altimetry, automatic altitude control and transponder systems
in normal and abnormal conditions
13. Any airframe operating restrictions, if required for the specific aircraft group, related to RVSM
airworthiness approval