Turbulence, Wind Shear, Thunderstorm
In this course, you will learn about definitions, detection, avoidance and suggested actions in case of encountering turbulence, wind shear and thunderstorm during flight. The course also explains different types of turbulence, wind shear and thunderstorm to help pilots understand the threats posed by these phenomena and guide them on how to safely operate an aircraft in such conditions.

~ 30 minutes
Flight Crew
Flight Instructors
Learning Objectives
Definition of turbulence and suggested actions if encountering turbulence
Mechanical, thermal, Jet Stream and Clear Air Turbulence, Wake Vortex and Mountain waves are explained
Definition of wind shear, wind shear detection and avoidance
Frontal Shear, Strong and Variable winds, Inversion Shear, Convective Clouds (Downburst and Microburst)
Thunderstorm detection, threat to aircraft and avoidance
Lightning and Hail
Contents of the course
1. The course is divided into three main chapters:
• Turbulence
• Wind shear
• Thunderstorms
The course is case-based with one actual case at the start of each chapter. Besides explaining the theory behind these weather phenomena, the course also offers hands-on practical guidance for Threat Assessment and Countermeasures. The course will provide the flight crew with knowledge and understanding to detect, avoid and recover from adverse weather.